For David, that day must have been one of the worst day of his life. He found out 2 persons who had a significant place in His life was forever gone. Saul, His king and master whom he had the upmost respect and his dearest friend, Jon. My guess it that he sang the lament accompanied with his wonderful harp playing. He also ordered that the people in the land of Judah to be taught this lament to remember this 2 great men. It shows that David was a man who had a big heart. Even after what Saul had done on him, he was never bitter over him and even mourned for Saul. David showed us what it means to be merciful, to be forgiving and compassionate.
Monday, June 8, 2009
2 Samuel 1: It's hard to say goodbye....
Posted by Lee Yng at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Perspective :)
Posted by Lee Yng at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
1 Sam 31: Say who?
These days it's not easy to find people who mean what they say and keep their promises. Many people say things for the sake of saying things, say things they don't really mean and some even say things that are not true or partially true. Some truly mean what they say but has no ability to fulfill them. But here, i see God truly keeps to His words. Saul and his sons all died tragically in the war with the Philistines just as God said they would through Samuel (or the spirit of Samuel, chp 28:19). Its' both scary at the same time a relieve. It means that God is means that His words is reliable.
Posted by Lee Yng at 6:53 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
1 Sam 30: When things turn from bad to worst
What if one day something terrible happened... you not only lost something precious to you but the best part is your friends blame you for it. What will you do? David was in such a situation when he and his men came back home and found the place burnt down and their family members kidnapped. Adui!...dah lah sakit hati his own wives kena kidnapped now he is the target of their anger. But surely David is not called 'a man after God's heart for nothing.' David turned to God and found the strength he needed in such a time (v.6). He dint turn to his own wits to save his neck but asked God for His advise (vs.8) and God din't disappointed David and things turned out ok in the end.
Posted by Lee Yng at 5:31 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Britians Got Talent'09: Susan Boyle lost yet a champ in many hearts!
Susan proofs that if we are willing to take the time to listen, we'll find that we can't judge a person by the cover. Though it's kinda sad that she lost coz i think it's her dream to perform before the queen yet she has been an inspiration to many and to give us a timely reminder that we should always look beyond the external.
Posted by Lee Yng at 7:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Susan Boyle
1 Sam 28: What will you do when you are truly desperate
I remembered once when I felt desperate was a couple of years ago when there was a black-out in the whole country for a couple of hours in the afternoon. I was out from my office for a meeting and din't realised i had no money left in my purse. Since it was a black-out, I couldn't withdraw money from the bank. It was well past 2'o clock and i was feeling very hungry. There was nobody i knew there and it would take me sometime before I can go back to my office. For once I had no money to even buy a pack of mamee junk food (RM0.30) and I was seriously thirsty and hungry. For a moment it was desperation.
Posted by Lee Yng at 5:20 AM 0 comments
Sunday Evening
Was thinking of blogging...anyway have been 'out of action' for the entire week...this is not a good sign man...wat if the IT dinosaur slipped back into deep sleep and never blog i'm going to do it...hmmm...maybe after a short nap! Haha....
Posted by Lee Yng at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
1 Sam 25: True beauty
Here we have in the bible a real beauty. Though it was mentioned that Abigail was beautiful, what was really highlighted here was her strong character. She was complemented by David to be a women of good judgment; not only able to preserve Nabal's family line from being wiped out by David and his men, but also prevented David from unnecessary bloodshed. Boy...she's a women who truly stands out! And God turned Nabal's insult to David to be a blessing. Nabal consequently died out of heart attack and Abigail became the wife to David.
Posted by Lee Yng at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sell Out!
Sell Out! is over very own Malaysian Comedy Musical Movie which is currently showing. I saw this movie yesterday and it is truly worth the watch! I think the producer, composer, writer and first-time feature director Yeo Joon Han deserve a loud applause for his commendable effort. The movie is both funny and meaningful as it touches on issues that every malaysians could identify with. Oh, one more thing, Jerrica Lai, the main lead actress not only could speak fluently in english and cantonese, she acts and sings pretty well too. What a talent to discover!
Posted by Lee Yng at 2:41 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
1 Sam 24: Repaying Evil with Good
When we have a chance to get back at someone who treated us badly or hurt us deeply, what will we do? Do we seize the opportunity to take an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth? Would we not be tempted to inflict even the smallest amount of damage on the person? A sip of their own medicine will not cause them to die and surely cannot be called acting 'overboard'? If such a day arises for me, I sure hope I can do what David did; choosing not to harm Saul despite given the chance by God Himself (he even feels disrespecful for secretly cuts off the corner of Saul's rope...walau man...). As a result, Saul feels utterly shameful about himself because David was more righteous than him (vs.17). The best thing to do is to do what David did...repaying evil with good. That's the bom man! That's what we call a classic act!
Posted by Lee Yng at 8:25 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
1 Sam 23: Friendship Part 2
14-15 David continued to live in desert hideouts and the backcountry wilderness hills of Ziph. Saul was out looking for him day after day, but God never turned David over to him. David kept out of the way in the wilderness of Ziph, secluded at Horesh, since it was plain that Saul was determined to hunt him down.
16-18 Jonathan, Saul's son, visited David at Horesh and encouraged him in God. He said, "Don't despair. My father, Saul, can't lay a hand on you. You will be Israel's king and I'll be right at your side to help. And my father knows it." Then the two of them made a covenant before God. David stayed at Horesh and Jonathan went home.
Posted by Lee Yng at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
1 Sam 20: Friendship
What is the mark of a true friendship? Common interest? Willing to spend time together? Standing up for one another? Openess to share everything? David and Jonathan were truly best of friends. vs.17..because he loved him as he loved himself...tells us that the depth of their brotherly love is to love another as himself. Jesus too mentioned that the greatest commandment is to love God all our all and to love our neightbours as ourselves. Hence the benchmark for us to evaluate our friendships is 'do we love our friend as ourself? Base on this, can we call ourselves a true friend? As I reflect about this, I find it really challenging because it is so easy to think of ourselves first. It even seems fair to put our interest first. Unless we allow God's spirit to help us, we will always remain superficial in our friendships. Only when we are filled with the love of God, we truly be able to meet the benchmark...that is to love our friends as ourselves.
Posted by Lee Yng at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Post Mother's Day
Posted by Lee Yng at 5:25 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 7, 2009
1 Sam 16: What really matters

Posted by Lee Yng at 2:32 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
1 Sam 15: From being the Top to be a Flop
I think Saul's story is really a sad case. From being a low self-confidence guy, God made Saul a great man, a warrior-king. But Saul totally forgot about God and decided to his own thing. God gave Saul a mission that is to destroy the Amalekites completely but Saul saw all the good things that belongs to these enemies and decided to keep them for himself despite God's order to destroy them. Saul got greedy and even justified that he was doing it for God. It's like saying "Aiya God, why so angry with me...I din't do anything wrong...I'm doing this all because of you...aren't I giving the best things that I won from the war for you as sacrifices..."
Posted by Lee Yng at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
This is what i call creative!
Luv this video...simply creative!
Posted by Lee Yng at 9:20 AM 0 comments
1 Sam 12: Second chance
"Do not be afraid," Samuel replied. "You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart.
Posted by Lee Yng at 8:03 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Threads of Destiny
I watch this movie yesterday night and to my surprise it was not the usual 'feel good, romantically sweet' movie that i expected. "Threads of Destiny" have been one of the most distributed online serialised novel in Japan, and one of the most sensational reading material on a Nihon cellphone.
Posted by Lee Yng at 11:27 PM 0 comments
1 Sam 11: Saul - From Timid to Teriffic
Saul as we know him from chp. 9 & 10, was a timid guy who hid himself behind baggage when chosen to be the King of Israel. Despite being told and anointed by Samuel, Saul perhaps felt he was too little for the job. He perhaps felt his background from the smallest tribe of Israel made him unfit to lead the people. On top of that, some troublemakers made it clear that they doubted his ability to save them from their enemies and rejected him as God's chosen king.
Posted by Lee Yng at 10:42 PM 0 comments
One of my all time fav video
Since One in a Million and American Idol is coming to its finale reminds me of one of my favourite video clips..."Ken Lee"
Posted by Lee Yng at 6:06 PM 0 comments
1 Sam 9-10: God at work
Posted by Lee Yng at 1:27 AM 0 comments
1 Sam 7: One man can make a change
Can one person bring a great change? Can one person save the fate of a nation. In this episode, we see how one man Samuel, led the people of God to once again turn back to God and because of this God saved the Israelites from their enemy. And in all the days under the leadership of Samuel, God Himself defended the people and brought back peace.
13 So the Philistines were subdued and did not invade Israelite territory again. Throughout Samuel's lifetime, the hand of the LORD was against the Philistines. 14 The towns from Ekron to Gath that the Philistines had captured from Israel were restored to her, and Israel delivered the neighboring territory from the power of the Philistines. And there was peace between Israel and the Amorites.
Posted by Lee Yng at 12:53 AM 0 comments
1 Sam 5: Don't play play...
Posted by Lee Yng at 12:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
1 Sam 4 (2): God in a Box?
The ark of covenant was a wooden rectangular box, less than four feet long, covered with gold. It is understood in the ancient Israel as the visible sign of the presence of Yahweh. In other words, for the Israelite people, this box symbolizes the very presence of Yahweh. As a symbol of God’s presence, the ark also came to have a significant military function. When Moses led the Israelite nation away from Mount Sinai for the first time, the ark led them through the desert as a means of protection and guidance. On the day when Joshua led the people to capture the city of Jericho in order to enter into the Promise Land, God had the ark to be carried around the city 7 times for 7 days and the wall of the city came tumbling down and the city was successfully taken over. The dramatic success on that day surely must have created vivid images of military triumph, which would have been attached to the ark of covenant.
In chapter 4, the elders and people of Israel long for success against the Philistines. They were hoping that the ark would once again deliver success into their hands just as how victory was achieved in the days of Joshua. They unfortunately view the ark as an infallible talisman or military ‘secret weapon’ that ensures victory. But they failed to realized that if God really wanted defeat for his people, a thousand arks would not bring success. The power is in the living God and not in the Box. The Israelites failed to see it!
Today, we too if we are not careful, can easily place our security in something visible other than God. Let us ask God to help us to place our trust and confidence in Him, and Him alone. Least we too place our security in a ‘wooden box.’
Posted by Lee Yng at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
1 Samuel 4: The Funeral
Posted by Lee Yng at 10:36 AM 0 comments
1 Sam 3: 'Speak, for your servant is listening'
Posted by Lee Yng at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
1 Samuel 2: Generation Hope
'And the boy Samuel continued to grow in stature and in favor with the LORD and with men'.
Posted by Lee Yng at 1:44 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
1 Samuel 1: To ask for the most precious only to give it back
If I was Hannah, Samuel's mom, would i have made such vow and actually keep it?
Posted by Lee Yng at 9:14 PM 0 comments
Blogging vs. Quiet Time
Posted by Lee Yng at 8:37 PM 1 comments