Tuesday, April 28, 2009

1 Sam 4 (2): God in a Box?

The ark of covenant was a wooden rectangular box, less than four feet long, covered with gold. It is understood in the ancient Israel as the visible sign of the presence of Yahweh. In other words, for the Israelite people, this box symbolizes the very presence of Yahweh. As a symbol of God’s presence, the ark also came to have a significant military function. When Moses led the Israelite nation away from Mount Sinai for the first time, the ark led them through the desert as a means of protection and guidance. On the day when Joshua led the people to capture the city of Jericho in order to enter into the Promise Land, God had the ark to be carried around the city 7 times for 7 days and the wall of the city came tumbling down and the city was successfully taken over. The dramatic success on that day surely must have created vivid images of military triumph, which would have been attached to the ark of covenant.
In chapter 4, the elders and people of Israel long for success against the Philistines. They were hoping that the ark would once again deliver success into their hands just as how victory was achieved in the days of Joshua. They unfortunately view the ark as an infallible talisman or military ‘secret weapon’ that ensures victory. But they failed to realized that if God really wanted defeat for his people, a thousand arks would not bring success. The power is in the living God and not in the Box. The Israelites failed to see it!
Today, we too if we are not careful, can easily place our security in something visible other than God. Let us ask God to help us to place our trust and confidence in Him, and Him alone. Least we too place our security in a ‘wooden box.’