If I was Hannah, Samuel's mom, would i have made such vow and actually keep it?
1 Samuel: 10-11
In bitterness of soul Hannah wept much and prayed to the LORD. 11 And she made a vow, saying, "O LORD Almighty, if you will only look upon your servant's misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the LORD for all the days of his life, and no razor will ever be used on his head."
It was totally understandable for Hannah to have felt so miserable that she wept much before God. She was not able to give a son for her husband for so long; a failure as a women of her time, the disgrace and shame to see another women (Peninnah) to bearing children for her husband instead of her and to be constantly reminded of these realities in forms of insults and ridicule from Peninnah.
Hannah could have prayed without promising to give back her son. But she did. Did she truly realised that if God had given her a child, she couldn't keep him anyway? Did she make the vow out of desperation and without considering the consequences? Or did she knew that if only God would answer her prayer after such a long time of barrenness, it will be nothing short of a miraculous gift from God and therefore she vows to return such precious gift to God forever? Well God did granted Hannah a son and Hannah did as she promised and gave him back to the Lord to serve Him all of his life (Samuel 1: 24-28).
Hannah knew that if God would intervene, she would no longer be childless, a state which became unbearable for her. And as an act of gratitude towards God's goodness Hannah decided to give what was the best and most precious for her, which is the son whom she has waited for and pleaded from God. The act of dedicating her first born son was an act of acknowledging that the boy was a gift received from God whom she would willingly gave back so that the boy would honour God and serve Him all of his life. Because of Hannah's act of worship and devotion, this boy who was dedicated before his birth became an instrument of God in leading His people and bringing change to the history of Israel through the anointing of the first two kings.
Coming back to the beginning of this post? If I were to ask for something so precious to me from God and he actually grants it, what would I have done with it? Would I have dedicated solely for the Lord's use or keep it to myself? Would I have offered it as an act of worship and devotion just like Hannah?
I remember when I felt God was calling me to full-time ministry, a thought came to mind. I was 25 years old, at the best time of my youth, full of potential, energy and freedom. And I ask myself, is there any better period of time in my life to give it to the Lord for His full use than this? Perhaps then is when I could relate even in a small fraction of what Hannah felt, being given what was so precious to only joyously give it back to the Giver.
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