Wednesday, April 29, 2009

1 Sam 11: Saul - From Timid to Teriffic

Saul as we know him from chp. 9 & 10, was a timid guy who hid himself behind baggage when chosen to be the King of Israel. Despite being told and anointed by Samuel, Saul perhaps felt he was too little for the job. He perhaps felt his background from the smallest tribe of Israel made him unfit to lead the people. On top of that, some troublemakers made it clear that they doubted his ability to save them from their enemies and rejected him as God's chosen king.

But here in chapter 11, Saul emerges to be the warrior-king that rescued the City of Jabesh. The people saw a side of Saul that they never thought was in him; a brave and strong leader and Saul was reaffirmed as the King of Israel in a great celebration.

Vs. 6 tells us the root of his transformation.
"When Saul heard their words, the Spirit of God came upon him in power, and he burned with anger."

Saul was able to be a great leader because of the empowerment of the Spirit of God. It was the Spirit of God that inflamed him with burning passion and righteous anger. And gave him the strength and ability to unite all the people and claimed victory over the Ammonites.

The thing that I've learned from chp. 11 is that we need to be completely dependent on him for resources and strength and that he will miraculously multiply skills and talents in order to use them for his purpose. It is something that I have to constantly remind myself, that I can only live an effective life in and through Him alone.