Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Is Unity a mark or a myth of the church?

Is Unity the mark or the myth of the Church?

There are just endless list of reasons why people want to break away from the church. Here are the Top 10 most popular reasons (that I can think of):

1. We prefer to have our own worship style
2. We just can’t agree with each other about what we (would like to) believe
3. The Church is not Spirit-filled
4. The leaders are too rigid and old-fashion
5. Pastor is leaving, so are we
6. Some people are just a sore in the eye
7. The preacher is boring
8. We have a better structure
9. We want something new and not traditions
10. We don’t speak the same language

It is indeed a great challenge to stay united in diversity. It is so much easier to take the easy way out. Walk out! But Love never fails. Hence, it is no wonder that Jesus asks us to love one another just as he had unconditionally loved us. Then all man, knowing how hard it is to stay together against the test of time, will know that we are His followers. We are the message. We have to continue to strive to resolve differences and to learn by the grace of God to live up with each other. Then truly, the power of the Gospel will be lived out and not just preached. Then unity becomes the mark of His Church and not a myth.


Dan said...

"The dinosour of this age has finally woken up..."
